Godzilla: King of the Monsters (Film Review)
It's been five years since Godzilla , the debut film of Legendary's new Monsterverse, returned the atomic giant to our cinema screens. Taking our criticisms of the first film to note; the biggest being that it focused for too long soley on the human characters, writers made it a mission to make the sequel more of an ensemble piece: blending a more balanced mix of monsters and humans for the story. Being the 35th film of the Japanese icon's franchise and despite bearing such a grabbing title, Godzilla: King of the Monsters, is as disappointing as the monsters are visually grand. As the story begins, we meet Madison Russell, played by Millie Bobby Brown, who almost anyone with a Netflix account will know as Eleven in Stranger Things . Her mother, Dr. Emma Russel, is a leader of a group of scientists who for some reason think it's a good idea to release more giant monsters upon the world, despite Madison's brother losing his life in ...