The Jungle Book (2016) Review
A Wild Time Since its announcement in July 2013, the prospect of a live action remake of Disney’s The Jungle Book made filmgoers sceptical. The idea sounded like another potential hash job based on popular, already-existing material for the sake of creating a new cash cow franchise, even if critical responses were negative. It seemed like it wouldn’t be a decent film in its own right. With the utilisation of technology; direction, performances combined together with a drive to actually create compelling story, the 2016 remake of The Jungle Book will positively prove naysayers wrong. Settings & Characters No location film sets were used for the creation of this film. From principal photography to the film itself, everything had taken place at L.A Center Studios in Los Angeles, with CGI taking care of the rest. Unless you were told this directly before viewing, The Jungle Book’s visuals would fool you completely into thinking otherwise. The visuals are astoundingly ...