La La Land (Film Review)
A Tale of Dreams La La Land is a romantic comedy-drama musical written & directed by Damien Chazelle , who previously brought to screens the award-winning 2014 independent drama, Whiplash. Starring Emma Stone & Ryan Gosling as the leads, La La Land introduces Stone working as a barista & aspiring actress whilst we see Gosling as a down-on-his-luck jazz musician. At somewhat low points in their lives, they meet and fall in love, leading their paths to develop & intertwine with their relationship. La La Land a reached a new feat with it's acclaim since release, winning a record-breaking amount of 7 Golden Globes at the 74th annual awards earlier this month. Many of the public masses have been wondering if the film lives up to it's accolades, if it lives up to it's reputation that describes it as "a love letter to Hollywood". It's not. It's a love letter to following what...